Watchmen Wiki

Detective Steven Fine was a police officer with the New York City Police Department. He was involved with investigation into the murder of Eddie Blake.


In October 1985, Steven Fine and his partner, Joe Bourquin, were investigating Blake's murder and suggested he was robbed by Knot Tops or thugs who were on drugs. They let it "drop out of sight," saying that in a big city like that lots of things happen and they don't all need reasons, out of fear that they'll have to deal with Rorschach's intervention.[1]

The two of them also investigate other cases during this period, including the double homicide of Clare and Dominique Hirsch; Steve interrogates Mrs. Hirsch, the mother of the victims.

That evening Bourquin complained that Fine neglected investigating Blake's file or to answer the phone. Fine (against standard procedure) was perusing evidence from the Hirsch house, namely a Grateful Dead poster, remembering that he owned that record. He pondered whether Blake's murder had any connection with the recent murder attempt against Adrian Veidt. When he finally picked up the phone, it was an anonymous call (presumably from Veidt) telling them where to find Rorschach, Fine at first hears it as "Raw Shark," (which is a parallel with the Tales of the Black Freighter comic "Marooned.") The call allows a police force to capture Rorschach.[2]

Steve figured out that Dan Dreiberg is Nite Owl, having seen him in the picture from Blake's funeral and his familiarity with Adrian Veidt and Doctor Manhattan. After the reports that a flying ship rescued people from the tenement fire, he pays him a visit, while not on duty. He pretends to ask about Blake, having seen him in the funeral, and makes several remarks, noticing the owl on his wall calendar, the Sweet Chariot sugar cubes (found in Rorschach's pockets[3]) and a "ball pipe" that belongs to Laurie Juspeczyk. It was a warning to prevent him from engaging in further activity. Some days later, after the reports that a pair of masked heroes rescued Rorschach from Sing Sing, he and Bourquin lead a police force at Dreiberg's house. However, they fail to stop them from leaving on Archie, and as Bourquin remarks, the police captain won't be happy.[4]


Corpse of Seven Fine in the aftermath of the psychic shockwave event

Fine was subsequently suspended. On November 1st, near midnight, he attempts to intervene with an altercation between Joey and Aline on Fortieth and Seventh over Joey's objections, and he is killed along with everyone else around by the "alien" monster.

He was lying dead in the street with a blood splattered edition of the New York Gazette covering his head. When Laurie Juspeczyk and Doctor Manhattan teleported back to New York City from Mars just moments after the disaster unfolded, she took his gun and hide it in her bag, carrying the weapon to Karnak, Antarctica. With it she attempted to shoot Adrian Veidt, but Veidt managed to catch the bullet before it hit him.[5]


While Joe Bourquin seems to be more like the leader or boss between them both, Steve adopts the posture of the "cool" cop: the one who doesn't care much about the rules, joking when he gets the chance and not letting the cases affect him too much.

He smokes hand-rolled cigarettes, unlike most other characters who smoke round pipes.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • In the 2009 film adaptation, Fine and Bourquin have a much marginal presence and play no important role in the narrative, appearing in only two scenes: at the beginning investigating Blake's death and then in Rorschach's capture. Fine is played by actor Jay Brazeau.



ve Watchmen characters
Costumed adventurers
Minutemen Captain MetropolisHooded JusticeNite Owl IThe ComedianSilk Spectre IDollar BillMothmanSilhouette
Crimebusters Captain MetropolisDoctor ManhattanRorschachThe ComedianOzymandiasNite Owl IISilk Spectre II
Tulsa PD masks Sister NightLooking GlassPandaPirate JennyRed Scare
Other vigilantes Reggie Long
Criminals & villains
Costumed villains Captain AxisCaptain CarnageClaude BokeMoloch the MysticErika MansonJimmy the GimmickKing MobKing of SkinLiquidatorMarcos MaezScreaming SkullSpacemanTwilight Lady
Knot Tops AlineLawrenceRoxi
Seventh Kavalry CarmichaelThe SuspectRenee
Cyclops Judd CrawfordJane CrawfordJoe KeeneJohn David Keene
Criminals Big FigureDerfGeorge PatersonGerald Anthony GriceHarvey Charles FurnissMichael StephensOtisRolf MüllerRoy Victor ChessUnderboss
Government & law enforcement
Politicians Alexander HaigJane CrawfordJoe KeeneJohn David Keene
New York PD CapaldiFrancis GiancarloCharlie GreavesHollis MasonJoe BourquinSamuel J. BattleShawSteven FineWillis
Tulsa PD Charlie SuttonJudd Crawford
FBI Dale PeteyKaufaxLaurie JuspeczykLuxem
Military ForbesGregHoldenJ. SandersonPetermanPiercePitch
Other Anthony RandolphMulhearneyWilliam Parker
Partners & family of masked adventurers

Adrian Veidt: Ingrid Renata Veidt
Angela Abar: Cal AbarEmma AbarTopher AbarMarcus AbarRuth RobesonO.B. Williams
Eddie Blake: Vietnamese Woman
Hollis Mason: Hollis Wordsworth MasonLiantha Mason
Jon Osterman: Inge Osterman
Laurie Juspeczyk/Sally Jupiter: Bella JuspeczykLaurence Schexnayder
Nelson Gardner: Norbert Veldon
Reggie Long: Gloria LongMalcolm Long
Ursula Zandt: Blanche ZandtGretchen Slovak
Walter Kovacs: Peter Joseph KovacsSylvia Kovacs

Notable others BernardBernieLady TrieuWill ReevesMs. CrookshanksMr. PhillipsBian My
Journalists Alan MorganAlain GuillonAlan MorganDoug RothHector GodfreyJim WeissMike GreenvilleSeymourTed KoppelTed PhilipsTina PriceWilliam F. Buckley Jr.Zelda
Scientists Ed CoreyWhittaker FurnesseJaney SlaterJon OstermanMilton GlassTungrenWally Weaver
Artists Hira ManishJoe OrlandoLinette PaleyMax SheaNorman LeithVargaWalt Feinberg
Writers DeniseHal EisnerJames Trafford March
Celebrities Edmund TaylorIrwinJanet SmithJeremy MillerRed D'Eath
Others Abie, Howe, Cheatem and DeweyAngela NeubergBella JuspeczykBlair RocheCarol-AnneChuckDavidDexter RedbackDolores ShairpFantasticoRalphHappy HarryJacobJimmyJoeyLeo WinstonMarieMarlaMoe VernonMrs. HirschMrs. MusanteMr. MusanteOscar HuberRandyRichardsonRobert DeschainesRosaSheilaSteveTino MusanteTino Musante Jr.Watch Seller
Based on real world persons
Politicians Dwight D. EisenhowerRobert RedfordFranklin D. RooseveltGerald R. FordHarry S. TrumanHenry KissingerJ. Edgar HooverJohn F. KennedyLyndon B. JohnsonRichard NixonRobert F. Kennedy
Others Eleanor CliftG. Gordon LiddyJackie KennedyKitty GenoveseSam GiancanaLee IacoccaPat BuchananRamses II
Celebrities Cassius ClayJohn McLaughlin
Animals & creatures
Alien MonsterBubastisFred and BarneyPhantom
DC Rebirth crossover characters
BatmanJohnny ThunderClark Kent